Professional Development Units (PDUs) must be submitted personally by each PMP. This list is provided to assist the PMP in completing the online PDU submission form. You may also view your PDU transcript from this site.

In addition to the events listed here, PDUs are available for various other activities, as described on our How to Earn PDUs page.

For PMI Ghana Chapter Monthly Meetings:

  1. Login to the Continuing Certification Requirements System by following the link to PMI CCRS provided click "Report PDUs" button, then login.
  2. In the PDU Category dropdown box, select "Category 3:Registered Education Provider program/Component Event".
  3. This will open the Activity type dropdown box. Select "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event".
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter "C362" in the Component ID box and click Next.
  6. Click on the Component ID C362.
  7. Fill out the form (you can copy/paste the course title from the list below into the activity title box). The contact person is Head of Professional Development.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter 1 in the PDUs claimed box and click Next.
  10. Verify the info is correct and check the box stating the claim is accurate and click Submit.
  11. Print the results page and keep for your records along with the Attendance Certificate you received at the meeting.