The Journey of PMI Ghana Chapter: A Milestone in Project Management History*
The establishment of the Project Management Institute (PMI) Ghana Chapter in July 2011 marked a transformative milestone in the project management landscape of Ghana. Prior to this, the systematic practice of project management was largely unfamiliar to most Ghanaians. During the early stages of the Chapter's formation in 2008-2009, project management was often perceived as exclusive to the construction sector. Even among professionals such as architects, engineers, and quantity surveyors, the PMI was virtually unknown.

The Early Challenges and Formation Efforts

The journey towards the formation of the Ghana Chapter was not without its challenges. Persistent efforts by a few dedicated individuals finally caught the attention of PMI, leading to the introduction of George Don Arthur as the principal contact for the chapter's formation. Despite his commitment, George faced challenges due to his personal commitments and the logistical difficulties of balancing his responsibilities in the U.S. with the formation activities in Ghana.

A New Leadership and Renewed Efforts

Recognizing the need for local leadership, George introduced Dickinson Agyapong-Bempa, who took up the mantle and significantly advanced the formation efforts. Under Dickinson's capable leadership, the steering committee was formed and began holding meetings in various locations, including the offices of committee members.

Dedication and Perseverance of the Steering Committee Members

The Steering Committee Members comprised of:
1. George Don Arthur
2. AJ Collier
3. Dickinson Agyapong-Bempa
4. Sena Agyepong
5. Ebo Yawson
6. Augustine Harrington-Nunoo
7. Kwaku Frimpong
8. Sandra Osei Poku
These individuals demonstrated extraordinary dedication and perseverance. They meticulously prepared, wrote, reviewed, and revised numerous documents, ensuring every detail was in place for the chapter's approval. Their collaborative efforts culminated in the official chartering of the PMI Ghana Chapter in October 2011.

A Significant Milestone

The establishment of the PMI Ghana Chapter has been a significant milestone, fostering the growth and recognition of project management as a vital discipline in Ghana. It has provided a platform for professionals across various industries to collaborate, share knowledge, and advance their careers.

A Legacy of Commitment and Growth

The journey of the PMI Ghana Chapter is a testament to the power of dedication, collaboration, and vision. The efforts of the founding members have laid a strong foundation for the continued growth and development of project management practices in Ghana. Their legacy inspires current and future professionals to strive for excellence in their projects and contribute to the broader project management community.




